Please Please Me
I love this album. Everybody bangs on about how Sgt Pepper is the best Beatles album - it's not. Neither is the white album or even Rubber Soul (much as I love them all...well...Sgt pepper not so much...)
From the count-in to 'I Saw Her Standing There' to the final ragged yelps of 'Twist & Shout', Please Please Me did as much to kick pop music up the arse as anything before or since. It set the standard for future bands and made it the norm for bands to sing well, play well, have personality, write their own songs, push the boundaries of recording blah, blah, blah...
People get tired of The Beatles as they've been round so long but this album is like a cotton bud for tired ears & heads - it shifts the accumulated crap and lets you hear clearly again. Works for me.
Plus...George's solo on 'Boys' is brilliant.
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